Gentle Green greenhouse

The crucial breakthrough in high-volume production of vegetable and lettuce

Illustraties website GG Tekengebied 1

Vegetables and lettuce are crucial for global food security and so are their growers. Gentle Green have engineered a breakthrough climate system that is climate independent, fossil fuel free, highly water efficient and profitable.

Vegetables 02
Vegetables create the most responsible platform for global food security

but their large scale production is at risk

Essential for

Vegetables and fruit have an huge positive impact on health.

Source: research University College of London 2014 Monitoring 65.226 people from 2001 - 2013

Essential for health

Essential for
land use

M2 land use required for 1 kg of product. 

Source: Okologie und Landbau 2011

Essential for land use

Essential for

How thirsty is our food? Liters of water required to produce one kilogram of the following food products (global averages).

Source: Water Footprint Network

Essential for water

Essential for

Mean dietary GHG emissions in kg CO2 equivalents.      

Essential for climate
Hans Herren

"What has been most ignored is the need to also radically transform industrial food systems."

Dr Hans Herren - President of the Millennium Institute in Washington

supply chain
Logo Nature

"Global food demand will increase at least between 30 - 62%, with up to 30% of the population at risk of hunger."

Nature Research team (2021)

Martin Stuchtey

"Intensive agricultural practices places demand on approximately 70% of global freshwater."

Prof Dr Martin Stutchtey - University of Innsbruck

Gentle Green

"The adoption of healthy diets is projected to lead to a reduction of up to 97 percent in direct and indirect health costs in 2030."


EAT Lancet committee chairman prof Willett

"The only way to feed the worlds population sustainably is to increase our fruit and vegetable intake to 50% of our diet."

Prof Walter Willett - EAT Lancet Commission

Dr Marco Springmann Oxford University

"if everyone became vegetarian by 2050 foodrelated emissions would drop by about 60%."

Dr Marco Springmann - Oxford University

David Attenborough 1200

"We must change our diet. The planet can’t support billions of meat-eaters."

Sir David Attenborough

Leo van der Lans

"The problem is that gas prices are incredibly high, they’ve gone from 15 to 20 cents a cubic metre to € 1,60. That’s too much to grow tomatoes."

Leo van der Lans - Leading Dutch Tomato Grower

Growers' business
Adri Bom Lemstra chairperson Dutch Glass Horticulture

"It is impossible with these gas prices to produce an affordable product."

Adri Bom Lemstra - Chairperson National Dutch Glass Horticulture

Growers' business

Gentle Green was established to solve a burning issue in food safety. Vegetable and fruit are the key to ensuring food safety world-wide. Yet current high-volume production platforms are unable to produce them in a future-proof and profitable way*.

*vertical farms are not a high-volume production platform

A breakthrough had to be made, urgently. Gentle Green combined experts and solutions from various industries to create a disruptive climate, energy, water and air  system for greenhouses that is fully future-proof.

Open field has serious challenges

• water scarcity
• scarcity of additional arable land
• dependence on weather, limited process control
• threat of pests and diseases
• impact of climate change
• limited window for harvesting
• limited range of crops

Current greenhouse
systems struggle

• fossil fuel consumption leads to high heating cost
• insufficient control over temperature, humidity
and homogeneity in many climates zones/seasons
• severe energy and water waste
• CO2-loss, limited ppm control, polluting emissions
• ingress of viruses, bacteria, fungi and pollen

"To free growers from these headaches, the engineers of Gentle Green have developed a radically different climate, energy, water and air flow control system based on a closed greenhouse."

Gentle Green provides clear advantages over current greenhouse systems


Full humidity & temperature control


>20% higher yield


No natural gas / fossil fuels


Over 50% less energy for heating


Any crop, anywhere, year-round


Maximum protection against intake viruses etc.


Up to 80% lower water footprint


Same CAPEX as top players, much lower OPEX


Improved supply chain (time of harvesting)


No CO2 loss / emissions